Help us shape the future of Rayman 2 HD!

Help us shape the future of Rayman 2 HD by filling out this survey! Your responses will significantly influence critical decisions related to the game’s development. Please share it to every fan of the game. Thank you.


4 responses to “Help us shape the future of Rayman 2 HD!”

  1. Gulled Avatar

    Will the game be on Xbox one and PS4?

    1. At the moment, we only have plans to release the game on PC. In the future, our team will try and work to support consoles as well.

  2. Anton Glöde Avatar

    I really appreciate your work, I wounded how far you are from finishing the work and if we will be able to see a demo soon?

    1. Thank you for appreciating our work! We are a long way from finishing the game, but we plan on releasing a demo in 2024.

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