The Limbless Hero. Reborn.
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Frequently Asked Questions
Which version of Rayman 2 will this remake be based on?
We’re working hard to study each version of the game and bring the best aspects of each version to our game. We want the experience to be the best for new and returning players alike!
Are you working on the game for free?
Yes! We are a group of volunteers making this game alongside our normal lives. That’s why this game will take more time than normal games to be made, but we promise that it will be worth the wait!
Will the combat be improved?
The combat is being reworked to remain faithful to the original combat mechanics, while also being more modern and fluid to give the best combat experience possible.
Are you planning on a console release for the game?
The game is currently only being developed for PC, but in the future we would love to be able to bring the game to consoles and mobile as well!
Will the game have a new story?
The story will be the same as the original, with some added context, lines, and background information to make it more enjoyable for players.
Which version of the HUB level will be in this remake?
We will be creating our own version of the HUB level with elements from each version of the game – we promise you’ll love it!
Is there going to be a demo?
Yes! We are planning a demo for release in 2024.